My Travelogue |
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A collection of stories about my years of overland travel, holidays and short breaks, around the world.
A story about my overland trip from London to Johannesburg, the layover in Southern Africa, and back to London.
Photo Galleries The photo gallery links frequently open a new site, on a new page. Frequently it will be my SmugMug Ivan Hurst Photography site
Google Maps provides the engine for the maps show below, acknowledged with thanks
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Our first cruise based holiday. In a word, 'Breathtaking!'.
We have a friend who lives on Vancouver Island and Wendy and I visited years ago. That time we hired a car and did a circular tour of British Columbia including Vancouver, Whistler, Jasper, Banff, and back to Vancouver. That trip was all self arranged. Whereas this holiday was almost totally prearranged, as to be expected for a cruise holiday. However, Princess Cruises allow flexibility to extend your holiday at either end of the cruise. We decided to arrive early in Vancouver. This would have the dual benefit of a visit to our friend and of allowing time to relax and wind down from the flight and work so that we were already chilled at the start of the cruise.
At the other end of the cruise we added a cruisetour which was effectively a coach tour. We selected Off the Beaten Path - Tour KA6 which resulted in a 13 day combined cruise and cruisetour.
I will arrange this site accordingly with sections on the outbound, Vancouver, the cruise, the cruisetour, and the homebound.
But all of this is in a sub-site. Press the link below to start your tour.
There will also be several photo galleries, both on site and off. Frequently the galleries will be hosted on SmugMug. To see some of the photos you may need to have Flash and/or Silverlight installed.
Explore and enjoy.
This column will sometimes be used to show background information such as time zone, latitude and longitude, dates and the like.
It may also show statistics and other information about the place.
On other occasions it will have photos or side stories.